But for now here are some of the Chistmas card picture rejects. What? You didn't get our Christmas card? That's odd? I will take that up with the post office! :-)
This just makes me smile...or laugh hysterically!
It just seemed weird to have our Christmas picture in a sleigh when it was 80 degrees outside.
This is just one of the many funny pictures in my "2009 Memories"...
I made Pluto get down next to Luke because we paid for his dinner and the little S _ _ _...I mean scoot (as my Mom calls him) fell asleep at the very beginning of dinner! I want to show him this when he is older! :-)
This was last Easter. The boys had the flu. They had gotten a movie from their Grandma Casey for Christmas and I can rarely get them to sit still. They didn't move. In fact shortly after this picture they fell asleep. Bummer of an Easter for us! :-(
This was taken in Florida on our summer vacation to Disney World. I will look at this picture and remember what it felt like that week when it hits 115 degrees here in AZ. I LOVE the Dry Heat!