Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kid Pitch...oh my!!!!

Matthew is playing kid pitch baseball this year. YIKES! It is so much fun to watch these boys each year. Every year they get better and better. This year Matthew is trying out catching and pitching. Can you believe that???? Matthew looks so big to me, then I see him in the catching gear and he looks like my little guy again!
Baseball was TJ's favorite sport growing up so it is really hard that he cannot coach Matthew at baseball. He is just too busy during the spring to coach. He is going to sign Luke up for tee-ball this summer...that is a fun time! There are usually more parents than kids on the field since they are just learning at that age.
Here are some videos of Matthew playing ball...some are a little long, but want his Grandma Casey to see him play!

Matthew catching....

Casey at the bat...

Matthew got a hit!!!!

I have some of him pitching, but I need to go to bed. I will try and get those up tomorrow.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A little funny

The other night I went to pick up Matthew and Luke at my Mom's. Matthew is on Spring Break and Luke's sitter took the week off so she could spend Spring Break with her kids. I asked this girl in our neighborhood if she would help me out during Spring Break. She watches the boys all day and then takes them over to my Mom's around 4ish so she gets a break and then Mom doesn't have them all day. Anyways, the other night I went to get them and Matt said to me "Mom, Miss Nicole's car is so cool. She has these really cool windows! There is this handle that you have to turn around and around to get the window to go down or when you want to roll it up!" I said WOW! That IS so cool! I just didn't have it in my heart to tell him that I grew up with cars that had those. It was just so cute!