Thursday, March 18, 2010

A little funny

The other night I went to pick up Matthew and Luke at my Mom's. Matthew is on Spring Break and Luke's sitter took the week off so she could spend Spring Break with her kids. I asked this girl in our neighborhood if she would help me out during Spring Break. She watches the boys all day and then takes them over to my Mom's around 4ish so she gets a break and then Mom doesn't have them all day. Anyways, the other night I went to get them and Matt said to me "Mom, Miss Nicole's car is so cool. She has these really cool windows! There is this handle that you have to turn around and around to get the window to go down or when you want to roll it up!" I said WOW! That IS so cool! I just didn't have it in my heart to tell him that I grew up with cars that had those. It was just so cute!


Amy H said...

That is so funny. I am running into that kind of stuff at work also. The other night was talking with a family about video games, he told me he used to play nintendo. I told him I used to play Atari and intellivision. He just looked at me weird. Dumb teenagers!
Sorry I was not more on top of it this week, was going to have Nicole bring them over here for a little to late. Feel like am a horrbiel Aunt. I work this weekend. Am anxious to hear from Steph and the kids how the trip was.
Glad to see that while working tons, you can keep up on your blogsite.

Nana said...

What a cute story!! This should make you and TJ happy!! For you guys can get a cheap car for Matt!! Maybe the ole Buick Regal?!!! Hope you aren't going too crazy with tax season going on.

Anna Leigh said...

LOL! That is such a cute story! You should show him an old rotary phone with a cord and everything! :D