Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mocha Lite

Since I gave up my diet pop (You know you are from the midwest if you call it pop..."the others" call it soda) I need my caffeine FIX. I am not a huge coffee drinker, but I sometimes will stop by Circle K and get a coffee...well...I think you can still call it coffee. I fill the cup about 1/2 full of coffee and then put 2 splenda packets in it, add some french vanilla creamer and fill the rest with hot chocolate! Doesn't that sound yummy and fattening! I can only do those once in a while. I do love Starbucks frappuccino's (especially the peppermint one during the holidays) which again kind of adds the calories to my daily intake (NOW DO YOU SEE WHY I LOVE DIET POP???? ZERO CALORIES!!!!!) Anyways, I was working late last night and was going through withdrawals of not having caffeine so I went and grabbed a Mocha Lite Frappuccino (only 100 calories which is 100 calories MORE THAN my Diet pop!). I have learned that this is not a good thing! I am so immune to the caffeine in the pop that I can drink it anytime of the day. Coffee...not so much! I couldn't fall asleep last night! I finally went to bed at 1:15ish and played suduku (which usually helps put me to sleep) and I think I finally faded shortly after. However, had to get up at 5:45 (I was supposed to get up at 5:45) because the boys had a dentist appointment at 7:00. Needless to say I am really tired today! Lesson learned! However, drinking water before bed only makes me have to pee 15 times during the night. Again, a problem I don't have with my Diet pop! :-) Spoken like a true addict, huh! I will make it! Even if it kills me!!!! Being the positive person that I am I will quit complaining soon! However, I just wanted to share my wisdom with you all so you will not have to endure a sleepless night as I did! My public service announcement is done!


Amy H said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Guess I am so immune to coffee now, I dont drink on regular basis also and usually stop at 1 cup, but dont have that problem....Thank GOD! Keep up the good work! I keep hearing Facebook call my name....ugh!

Amy H said...

BTW...that concoction sounds yummy. Also try 2/3 coffee and 1/3 hot coco. Your own cafe mocha. Super YUMMY too!

Kayren said...

Mmmmmm, I love mocha's too!!! I'd drink them everyday, too if if were not for the calories! I'm just a water drinker, I don't like diet pop, otherwise I'm sure I'd be addicted to that! You are doing great w/o your diet pop, especially during your busy time of the year. I'm proud of you! :)

Nana said...

Hmmmmm... just drink beer and you'll sleep well!!! Seriously, that's cool that you gave up pop for lent. Don't think I could do that. For I'm a diet Dew chick!! J & I gave up chocolate for lent. Surprising how many things actually have choc i them.