Sunday, March 22, 2009

Penguin Day

Matthew's class has been learning about penguins. The first graders had a program for parents to come and see what they have been learning and they had a little program at the end. It was so cute. One of his friends dressed up in his black pants and a white dress shirt and a little black bow tie. It was so cute. I had forgotten my camera, but my friend Brenda had hers! YEA!!!! It was a fun time and so cute to watch them waddle like penguins. They had a BLAST having their parents in their classroom too.

PS- I am still alive, but very tired and am really ready for April 15th to be here!!!! I need to get better at hiding it because Matthew keeps asking if I am "STRESSED". I just tell him that STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards so lets go get a treat! Thank goodness that tax season is almost over! I give in way to easy these days. I am not up for the fight! :-)

Only 24 more days!!!!


littlefamily said...

looks like a fun program! Good picture of you and Matthew! I am sure he was VERY happy you were there.

Anna Leigh said...

Adorable! Love the pic of you and Matthew!

Freebird.Crew said...

Also love the mother/son cute!

Anonymous said...

So cute--- Penguin's need cool weather so just send my little penguin to me !! Great pictures !!!

Kayren said...

Adorable! My kids would of loved to see that program, they have a strange obession with penguins! And I hope the next 24 days FLY by for you!!!!! I didn't realize that stressed is desserts spelled backwards! I'm going to have to use that one! :)

Nana said...

Love the penguin look!! Adorable pic of you and Matt!! I didn't realize that stressed was desserts spelled backwards either! What a clever little niece you are!! I know you'll be glad when tax season is over and you have get your life back! Hang in there!!!!