Sunday, August 16, 2009


I finally decided to sit down and update my blog! Can you believe it? I haven't even checked other blogs because I know I am so far behind that I will never catch I am just going to start fresh!
Matthew started school this past week. He is now in 2nd grade. He has enjoyed it so far, but they didn't have any homework last will be coming this week though. I am glad to have him back in school so we can get back on to a routine. I find it hard during the summer when there are no routines. We are looking forward to a great new year for him.
Here is Matthew on his 1st day of 2nd grade...

And here was Matthew on his 1st day of 1st grade...They do grow up too fast, don't they? sniff! sniff!


Amanda West said...

I am so proud of you!! :)

I can't believe how much Matt has grown up in the last year.

littlefamily said...

oh boy, he looks alot taller this year!!

Kayren said...

I tried to leave a comment on FB and it wouldn't let me...BOO! I love the idea of taking a pic at the same spot each year to chart his growth. Matthew is a beautiful boy...I hope he has a great year at school! :)

Kayren said...

Oh and it's about time you dusted off the cobwebs in here!!!!!!! :)

Nana said...

Glad I'm sitting down to discover that you are now blogging again!! I about had to call 911!!!!!!!!!! Can't get over how Matthew has grown in the past year! He is going to break soooo many hearts!!!

Anna Leigh said...

love these pics! Matthew is getting so big!!!