Saturday, August 30, 2008

Football Begins

Well it's that time of year again for football. I can't believe it is here already! TJ & Matt have season tickets to the ASU games and the Butler's have season tickets to the U of A games! Today was the first home game for both. TJ took Matt and one of his friends to the game today. They left about 3ish to go tailgating. Quite an event. In my opinion they shouldn't have any home games in AZ until's still too stinking HOT! But....the NCAA doesn't ask my opinion. Anyways, TJ got a picture taken with this BOYZ before the game. They were all in maroon today and I bet if we had cameras over at the Butler house they were in red! Trying to keep Luke, atleast hoping to keep Luke, on the Wildcat side. Matt has gone to the dark side and has left me in the dust and tells me all the time "no pitty for the kitty!" I try not to let the words hurt, but they do sting...yet it is tooooo adorable seeing a 6 year old so pationate about something. Here are the little Devils!

Poor Luke has to stay home with Mom for now. He doesn't realize what wonderful bonding time this is for him. We made cookies, watched the Princess Bride, went to the grocery store, made some spinach eggs for our lunch tomorrow and were just simply lazy. I was going to do laundry, but thought since TJ was out having fun that I should have some fun too so I got Luke to bed and posting this blog and then if I am still up I plan on reading Breaking Dawn. Don't think I will get it finished, but am super close! I LOVE EDWARD! Here is a quick clip of how much fun Luke and I actually had! It really doesn't take much to entertain us! :-)


Kayren said...

OMG---no pitty for the kitty, seriously that is the funniest thing i've heard in a long time!!! it sounds like you and luke had a great day and i know TJ and Matt did, too. :) Porter has just found the joy of jumping on things, too. so funny! and is that the Twilight Series you are reading? I've heard fo them, but haven't read any of them yet...maybe I'll have to check them out. wfdoqw

Kayren said...

okay, i wasn't trying to leave you a secret message at the end of my last comment! i was typing in the word verification thingy and obviously didn't type it in the correct spot----DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna Leigh said...

ha ha! I love the "No Pitty for the Kitty" comment, too! I'm sure his dad taught him that?!?!? Sounds like you and Luke had a fun day!

Amanda West said...

That was a great picture of the boys... and Luke cracks me up!! Yum, spinach eggs!!

Freebird.Crew said...

cute video! love that you & luke had a day together while the boys did their football thing. i have a good friend that is obsessed with the books, guess i should get in on all the action! love your blog! your kids are stinking cute...just like their parents!!brittany

iadonna said...

Hi azjenn, it's ia donna!! Sorry, I'm not original enough to get my own name....just wanted to tell you I am loving reading your blog, can't wait to see what comes next!!