Sunday, August 31, 2008

Twilight Series

It has been the BEST reading I have done in a long time! The author, Stephenie Meyers, is from Phoenix so they reference here alot which is so cool! Morgan and her friends were into the books so Stephanie read the first one last year and gave it to me after she read it about 3 a row! It is one of those feel good books that when we all get together and we bring up the Edward & Bella...we all have smiles on our faces. Morgan is also in love with Edward. I kind of feel badly for her because I think she might have a false sense of how guys are...or she might use it to her advantage and be super picky until she finds an Edward. The newest book just came out on August 2nd and the Butlers were up in Greer at their cabin. They drove to the nearest little town to buy the book and MOrgan and Stephanie had the book almost read by the end of that same day! I think Morgan has read the last book about 3 times already. She is very good about keeping it a secret because I try to get some info out of her and she won't spill! I think EJ is even into them? I could go on and on about the books, but once you start reading them you will understand why a 36 year old married woman is in love with a Vampire! :-) I encourage you to get Twilight!!!! Let me know when you do. I gave my book to Amy so she would start reading it and she hasn't yet! Hello....Amy....get with the program!


Amanda West said...

I'd rather see a blog from Amy than her read the book!! ;o)

Anna Leigh said...

I've never even heard of this series! Guess I've been living under a rock. I will check them out!

Kayren said...

Cool! I'll have to see if the library has them, I'm sure they will all be checked out, but I'll get on the waiting list!! I didn't know the author was from the Phoenix area--neat!