Sunday, August 10, 2008

TJ's EARLY Birthday Present

TJ received (I use that term lightly since he actually bought it himself) his birthday gift early. He thinks he wants a fishing boat every time we pass by Bass Pro Shop. I told him he could get a boat when he got rid of the corvette (which isn't even running right now since he blew the engine) so he would have a place to store a boat. He somehow always gets what he wants! This one inflates so it will store much easier than a real boat. He and his friend, Terry, went on an overnight fishing trip this past weekend and he used the boat. Hence, why he got his birthday gift early since it isn't until the 20th. He has already sent me 4 e-mails giving me Christmas ideas...a little motor for the boat (he got tired rowing) a floor board for the get the idea! Somehow he always gets what he wants!


Kayren said...

How funny!! The boat looks like a lot of fun and I'm sure the boys LOVE IT!!! Why do men always get their way?!?!?!? :)

Anna Leigh said...

TJ just needs for Matt and Luke to get big enough to row him around!

Amanda West said...

Happy early birthday TJ! (Chad's is Thursday, not sure what the plan is yet!)

What a cool boat!

Nana said...

Tell TJ to quit being a pussy and row his own boat!!!! Seriously, what a nice gift!!! (Even if he gets his way!) Know he'll use it alot. Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm too fu$*@ng fat to row the damn thing!!!

Very funny Donna. I'm cracking up at work right now!!!

Sally said...

Happy Birthday Orrville boy!