Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TJ's Birthday Gift

I have once again waited until the last moment to work on his gift. I find it so hard to buy for him since he can NEVER wait to get something that he wants. Therefore, I usually try and make something for him. This year I decided to take the boys pictures holding the letters that spell out DAD. I was having such a hard time deciding between black & white photos or color ones. I finally went down and asked him which ones he liked.

This what he ended up choosing:

Matt's was easy. We just had to decide which cheesy smile to use. I had to take several of Luke because you never know how they will turn out since he doesn't sit for more than 1/10th of a milisecond (I really don't know how long that is, but it adds humor to my story).

Anyways, this is one of Luke's that I/we liked also:

These are the black and white pictures that we chose and also a different one with the "A"

I think he will enjoy the gift. When I thought of doing it I wanted to have it for home, but then I thought he might like it at his office so I guess I can use these other pictures for that.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I finally decided to sit down and update my blog! Can you believe it? I haven't even checked other blogs because I know I am so far behind that I will never catch I am just going to start fresh!
Matthew started school this past week. He is now in 2nd grade. He has enjoyed it so far, but they didn't have any homework last will be coming this week though. I am glad to have him back in school so we can get back on to a routine. I find it hard during the summer when there are no routines. We are looking forward to a great new year for him.
Here is Matthew on his 1st day of 2nd grade...

And here was Matthew on his 1st day of 1st grade...They do grow up too fast, don't they? sniff! sniff!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our Day Off!!????

Sundays are our only day off these days. The last month or so TJ has been taking Matthew to some spring training games. The Cleveland Indians (one of TJ's favorites) started playing spring training here in AZ...not usually a good time for a CPA to go watch games. However, he wanted to spend his day off going to see the Indians play. I couldn't say no. He even took Luke to a game one Sunday. He has asked me to go before, but I have passed because this is the day that I get my laundry caught up (well kind of-it truly never is done), clean house (at least pick up) go grocery shopping (I have my MOMMY helping me with this...she has been cooking me dinners once in a while. I have her pick up the boys then I come home from work and she feeds us. Then I (try) and help her clean her kitchen). Anyhoo, I decided that I should do the "good wifely" thing and compromise ONCE so I said I would go today since they were playing the Cubs here in Mesa. Soon after I agreed to go (and he bought tickets) I realized I needed to have a den meeting for March and this Sunday was the only free day. So we went to the game-left at the end of the 6th inning and then came home to have a den meeting. We are preparing for the boys to participate in a cub mobile race. So everyone got to have a turn at riding the cub mobile. Luke was patient for a while then started to get a little ticked when he wasn't getting a chance ( I have 10 Tiger cubs in my den). Finally he had his chance and he was happy again. He is such a drama "queen"!!!! I don't know where he gets that! I just pout - so must be TJ! :-)

TJ and Matt go super early to try and get autographs. Today he got Johnny Peralta's autograph.

The Sports nuts!LOOK! A picture with me and my 2 boyz! This might be a collectors picture! These are very rare!

How cute is this??? This is Matt's hat. He won't wear his own hat, but he will wear Matt's. I think he does it because he knows it bugs Matt. Do you really think that he thinks like that at 2?

How do you like Matt's pit crew?

After dinner Luke and I got in the jacuzzi! It was so relaxing! (but still need that massage!)

So we had a GREAT day off - had some beautiful weather and now I am getting ready for bed to start the work week again! But, only 16 days left (and counting!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Penguin Day

Matthew's class has been learning about penguins. The first graders had a program for parents to come and see what they have been learning and they had a little program at the end. It was so cute. One of his friends dressed up in his black pants and a white dress shirt and a little black bow tie. It was so cute. I had forgotten my camera, but my friend Brenda had hers! YEA!!!! It was a fun time and so cute to watch them waddle like penguins. They had a BLAST having their parents in their classroom too.

PS- I am still alive, but very tired and am really ready for April 15th to be here!!!! I need to get better at hiding it because Matthew keeps asking if I am "STRESSED". I just tell him that STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards so lets go get a treat! Thank goodness that tax season is almost over! I give in way to easy these days. I am not up for the fight! :-)

Only 24 more days!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I sat here for what seemed like 5 minutes trying to come up with a title for this post. I really couldn't come up with a good one. Yesterday, Chad, Amanda, her sister Bri, and Brynn, invited Matthew to go to the Wildlife zoo with them. I was working so I thought it would be a lot of fun for him to go. And to be fair, Amanda did offer to take Luke, but I laughed and said "No way" would I let them do that. He is a handful! Little did I know.

Last night when they were dropping Matthew off, we were downstairs chatting and Luke went up stairs. I didn't think anything of it. I thought he was looking for his "blue" (his blankie) because I knew he was tired and ready for bed. He had been up there for a while so I started up stairs and just as I turned the corner up - Luke jumped up and started to run away...he left behind an open container of bag balm. Most of you reading this will know what it is and those that don't...well it is the midwest's version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding's windex, our cure for cuts, burns, etc and it is in a way like vasaline. Anyways, I found him in my bathroom with bag balm in his hair and some in his ears. I am so thankful that he didn't get any in the carpet! For the next hour Amanda and I tried to wash it out. I used his baby didn't work. I used Matthew's shampoo...that didn't work. I tried TJ's shampoo...nope didn't work either. Then I tried my shampoo (it had to work! You should see all the product I put in my hair daily)...Nope didn't work. Then we tried our dish helped a little, but ultimately I knew what was going to happen when TJ got home.

YUP! Luke got shaved! I don't have a current picture of Luke with his new do, but have this video that I will try to post here. In the meantime...enjoy these pictures. I guess this is just the beginning of my "toddler" years with him! God help me! Please pray for Luke's survival!

I know he looks innocent, but those are the ones that you MUST keep your eyes on!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I am alive!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am alive and that the boys and TJ are well too. I haven't had much time to do anything on here...well let's face it, what is really that exciting in our lives these days? Our conversations revolve around "did you get x's mortgage interest statements yet?" "Did we get the QuickBooks file for that client?" "how late are you working tonight...should I have Mom pick up the boys?" See, there isn't anything exciting to report. Well I guess it is exciting that Matthew's flag football team just finished up their season undefeated! They have their tournaments next weekend so wish us well. I hope to get more pictures up so everyone can see how my boys are growing. We think of all of you often! An just know that if it were not for American Idol, 24, Grey's Anatomy & LOST...I don't know how I would be getting through tax season! :-) LOVE my DVR! Hope everyone is well! See you April 16th!! :-)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cards lost!

Started to get ready for the Super Bowl party at our friends house and was load things up for Luke...he fell asleep. So I decided to wait until he woke up to go to the party...he was in one of his "terrible 2" moods so the nap was going to be a great thing. He fell asleep on the couch and fell off and started to cry so I picked him up and started to rock him in the rocking chair thing I knew...there was only 7 minutes left in the 2nd quarter. I fell asleep! I NEVER take naps during the day so I must have really needed that sleep! I loaded Luke up and we joined the party at half time.

So sad the Cardinals lost, but am so proud of how far they went this year! It was so exciting to see them achieve so much! Matthew is a HUGE football fan and got very upset when they lost! I didn't have my camera, but my friend Barbara had her phone so she took this picture and one of her little guy who was also very upset too! The picture is very grainy, but you get the idea how bummed he was...never like to see them cry!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For my Dear Friend Amanda...


Just kidding. Was cleaning up some stuff and found these priceless oh my how I have aged!!!! I am starting to see crows feet around my eyes!
The six of us at Ryan Hunt's wedding...
Look at this "YOUNG" couple...when was this? Junior High?

This is Matthew after he was done enjoying his chocolate pudding...

Here is Luke after his chocolate pudding...Can you tell we like chocolate pudding?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The 2008 Warin Christmas

With all our crazy schedules we decided to have our Christmas on the 23rd. It was much easier than trying to get it all done on the 24th or rushing around on the 25th. Mom made chili and potatoe soup. YUMMY!

Here is a link to some of the pictures...

azjennandtj/2008 Warin Christmas

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Go Cats!!!!

TJ is getting ready to pull his pants down...

Well here they are...the long awaited photos of Matthew and TJ wearing thier Arizona shirts with pride! Devil pride that is! As I take their pictures for prosperity, they include the pitch fork sign on thier fingers! It kind of looks like a gang sign, huh. Anyways, we have started the tradition in our family, that the annual U of A versus ASU game will result in the losing team will have to wear the winners shirt to our family Christmas. I am not sure if the Butler's and the Haney's are in on the bet, but we Casey's will be starting this new tradition.

I have more pictures from Christmas that I will post later, but thought I could at least get these out before I jump into bed. Hope you enjoy as much as we all did! :-)

They could be related!

Don't you think these guys look a like?

While TJ, Matthew, and some of their friends came over to our house to watch the Cardinals game, I went to help Mom get her Christmas decorations put away and take her Christmas lights down. I was about to leave and I asked Mom to turn the last 2 minutes of the game to see who won so I could see what kind of mood I would find once I got there. Good news the Cardinals won! Yea for them...Anyways, I was watching them interview Kurt Warner, who is from Iowa, and I thought "boy, Ryan Roe and Kurt Warner look alike". What do you think?